Calibration Experiments (qiskit_experiments.library.calibration)

Calibrating qubit setups is the task of finding the pulse shapes and parameter values that maximizes the fidelity of the resulting quantum operations. This therefore requires experiments which are analyzed to extract parameter values. Furthermore, the resulting parameter values and schedules must be managed. The calibration module in Qiskit experiments allows users to run calibration experiments and manage the resulting schedules and parameter values.

The following experiments are designed to calibrate parameter values. Some experiments such as QubitSpectroscopy can both be seen as characterization and calibrations experiments. Such experiments can be found in the characterization module.

RoughFrequencyCal(physical_qubits, ...[, ...])

A calibration experiment that runs QubitSpectroscopy to calibrate the qubit transition frequency.

FrequencyCal(physical_qubits, calibrations)

A qubit frequency calibration experiment based on the Ramsey XY experiment.

FineFrequencyCal(physical_qubits, calibrations)

A calibration version of the fine frequency experiment.

RoughDragCal(physical_qubits, calibrations)

A calibration version of the RoughDrag experiment.

FineDragCal(physical_qubits, calibrations, ...)

A calibration version of the fine DRAG experiment.

FineXDragCal(physical_qubits, calibrations)

Fine DRAG calibration of X gate.

FineSXDragCal(physical_qubits, calibrations)

Fine DRAG calibration of X gate.

FineAmplitudeCal(physical_qubits, ...[, ...])

A calibration version of the FineAmplitude experiment.

FineXAmplitudeCal(physical_qubits, ...[, ...])

A calibration experiment to calibrate the amplitude of the X schedule.

FineSXAmplitudeCal(physical_qubits, ...[, ...])

A calibration experiment to calibrate the amplitude of the SX schedule.

HalfAngleCal(physical_qubits, calibrations)

Calibration version of the HalfAngle experiment.

RoughAmplitudeCal(physical_qubits, calibrations)

A calibration version of the Rabi experiment.

RoughXSXAmplitudeCal(physical_qubits, ...[, ...])

A rough amplitude calibration of x and sx gates.

EFRoughXSXAmplitudeCal(physical_qubits, ...)

A rough amplitude calibration of \(X\) and \(SX\) gates on the \(|1\rangle\) <-> \(|2\rangle\) transition.

Calibrations management

See calibration_management.