
class FixedFrequencyTransmon(basis_gates=None, default_values=None, link_parameters=True)[source]

A library of gates for fixed-frequency superconducting qubit architectures.

Note that for now this library supports single-qubit gates and will be extended in the future.

Provided gates:
  • x: \(\pi\) pulse around the x-axis.

  • sx: \(\pi/2\) pulse around the x-axis.

  • y: \(\pi\) pulse around the y-axis.

  • sy: \(\pi/2\) pulse around the y-axis.

Pulse parameters:
  • duration: Duration of the pulses Default value: 160 samples.

  • σ: Standard deviation of the pulses Default value: duration / 4.

  • β: DRAG parameter of the pulses Default value: 0.

  • amp: Magnitude of the complex amplitude of the pulses. If the parameters are linked then x and y share the same parameter and sx and sy share the same parameter. Default value: 50% of the maximum output for x and y and 25% of the maximum output for sx and sy. Note that the user provided default amplitude in the __init__ method sets the default amplitude of the x and y pulses. The amplitude of the sx and sy pulses is half the provided value.

  • angle: The phase of the complex amplitude of the pulses.

Parameters without schedule:
  • meas_freq: frequency of the measurement drives.

  • drive_freq: frequency of the qubit drives.

Note that the β and amp parameters may be linked between the x and y as well as between the sx and sy pulses. All pulses share the same duration and σ parameters.

Setup the schedules.

  • basis_gates (List[str] | None) – The basis gates to generate.

  • default_values (Dict | None) – Default values for the parameters this dictionary can contain the following keys: “duration”, “amp”, “β”, and “σ”. If “σ” is not provided this library will take one fourth of the pulse duration as default value.

  • link_parameters (bool) – If set to True, then the amplitude and DRAG parameters of the \(X\) and \(Y\) gates will be linked as well as those of the \(SX\) and \(SY\) gates.



Return the basis gates supported by the library.



Return the schedule.

Return type:



The length of the library defined as the number of basis gates.


Return the settings used to initialize the library.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]


Return the default values for the parameters.


A list of tuples is returned. These tuples are structured so that instances of Calibrations can call Calibrations.add_parameter_value() on the tuples.

Return type:


classmethod from_config(config)

Deserialize the library given the input dictionary

Return type:


get(k[, d]) D[k] if k in D, else d.  d defaults to None.
items() a set-like object providing a view on D's items
keys() a set-like object providing a view on D's keys

Return the number of qubits that the schedule with the given name acts on.

Return type:


values() an object providing a view on D's values