
class BackendTiming(backend, *, acquire_alignment=None, granularity=None, min_length=None, pulse_alignment=None, dt=None)[source]

Helper for calculating pulse and delay times for an experiment

The methods and properties provided by this class help with calculating delay and pulse timing that depends on the timing constraints of the backend.

When designing qubit characterization experiments, it is often necessary to deal with precise timing of pulses and delays. The fact that physical backends (i.e. not simulators) only support sampling time at intervals of dt complicates this process as times must be rounded. Besides the sampling time, there can be additional constraints like a minimum pulse length or a pulse granularity, which specifies the allowed increments of a pulse length in samples (i.e., for a granularity of 16, pulse lengths of 64 and 80 samples are valid but not any number in between).

Here are some specific problems that can occur when dealing with timing constraints for pulses and delays:

  • An invalid pulse length or pulse start time could result in an error from the backend.

  • An invalid delay length could be rounded by the backend, and this rounding could lead to error in analysis that assumes the unrounded value.

  • An invalid delay length that requires rounding could trigger a new scheduling pass of a circuit during transpilation, which is a computationally expensive process. Scheduling the circuit with valid timing to start out can avoid this rescheduling.

  • While there are separate alignment requirements for drive (pulse_alignment) and for measurement (acquire_alignment) channels, the nature of pulse and circuit instruction alignment can couple the timing of different instructions, resulting in improperly aligned instructions. For example, consider this circuit:

    from qiskit import QuantumCircuit
    qc = QuantumCircuit(1, 1)
    qc.delay(delay, 0)
    qc.delay(delay2, 0)
    qc.measure(0, 0)

    Because the circuit instructions are all pushed together sequentially in time without extra delays, whether or not the measure instruction occurs at a valid time depends on the details of the circuit. In particular, since the x gates typically have durations that are multiples of acquire_alignment (because granularity usually is), the measure start will occur at a time consistent with acquire_alignment when delay + delay2 is a multiple of acquire_alignment. Note that in the case of IBM Quantum backends, when acquire_alignment is not satisfied, there is no error reported by Qiskit or by the backend. Instead the measurement pulse is misaligned relative to the start of the signal acquisition, resulting in an incorrect phase and often an incorrect state discrimination.

To help avoid these problems, BackendTiming provides methods for calculating pulse and delay durations. These methods work with samples and seconds as appropriate. If these methods are used for all durations in a circuit, the alignment constraints should always be satisfied.


For delay duration, the least common multiple of pulse_alignment and acquire_alignment is used as the granularity. Thus, in the example above about the coupling between pulse_alignment and acquire_alignment , delay and delay2 would each be rounded to a multiple of acquire_alignment and so the sum would always be a multiple of each alignment value as well. This approach modifies some valid circuits (like each delay being half of acquire_alignment) but has the benefit of always being valid without detailed analysis of the full circuit.

As an example use-case for BackendTiming, consider a T1 experiment where delay times are specified in seconds in a qiskit_experiments.framework.BaseExperiment.circuits() method as follows:

def circuits(self):
    # Pass backend to BackendTiming
    timing = BackendTiming(self.backend)

    circuits = []
    # delays is a list of delay values in seconds
    for delay in self.experiment_options.delays:
        circ = QuantumCircuit(1, 1)
        # Convert delay into appropriate units for backend and also set
        # those units with delay_unit
        circ.delay(timing.round_delay(time=delay), 0, timing.delay_unit)
        circ.measure(0, 0)

        # Use delay_time to get the actual value in seconds that was
        # set on the backend for the xval rather than the delay
        # variable's nominal value.
        circ.metadata = {
            "unit": "s",
            "xval": timing.delay_time(time=delay),


As another example, consider a time Rabi experiment where the width of a pulse in a schedule is stretched:

from qiskit import pulse
from qiskit.circuit import Gate, Parameter

def circuits(self):
    chan = pulse.DriveChannel(0)
    dur = Parameter("duration")

    with as sched:, amp=1, sigma=dur / 4), chan)

    gate = Gate("Rabi", num_qubits=1, params=[dur])

    template_circ = QuantumCircuit(1, 1)
    template_circ.append(gate, [0])
    template_circ.measure(0, 0)
    template_circ.add_calibration(gate, (0,), sched)

    # Pass backend to BackendTiming
    timing = BackendTiming(self.backend)

    circs = []
    # durations is a list of pulse durations in seconds
    for duration in self.experiment_options.durations:
        # Calculate valid sample number closest to this duration
        circ = template_circ.assign_parameters(
            {dur: timing.round_pulse(time=duration)},
        # Track corresponding duration for the pulse in seconds
        circ.metadata = {
            "xval": timing.pulse_time(time=duration),
            "unit": "s",

Initialize backend timing object


Backend may not accept user defined constraint value. One may want to provide these values when the constraints data is missing in the backend, or in some situation you can intentionally ignore the constraints. Invalid constraint values may break experiment circuits, resulting in the failure in or unexpected results from the execution.

  • backend (Backend) – the backend to provide timing help for.

  • acquire_alignment (int | None) – Optional. Constraint for the acquisition instruction alignment in units of dt. Default to the backend value.

  • granularity (int | None) – Optional. Constraint for the pulse samples granularity in units of dt. Defaults to the backend value.

  • min_length (int | None) – Optional. Constraint for the minimum pulse samples in units of dt. Defaults to the backend value.

  • pulse_alignment (int | None) – Optional. Constraint for the pulse play instruction alignment in units of dt. Default to the backend value.

  • dt (float | None) – Optional. Time interval of pulse samples. Default to the backend value.



The delay unit for the current backend

“dt” is used if dt is present in the backend configuration. Otherwise “s” is used.


The backend’s dt value, copied to BackendTiming for convenience


delay_time(*, time=None, samples=None)[source]

The closest valid delay time in seconds to the input

If the backend reports dt, this method uses BackendTiming.round_delay() and converts the result back into seconds. Otherwise, if time was passed, it is returned directly.

  • time (float | None) – The nominal delay time to convert in seconds

  • samples (int | float | None) – The nominal delay time to convert in samples


The realizable delay time in seconds


QiskitError – If either both time and samples are passed or neither is passed.

Return type:


pulse_time(*, time=None, samples=None)[source]

The closest valid pulse duration to the input in seconds

This method uses BackendTiming.round_pulse() and then converts back into seconds.

  • time (float | None) – Nominal pulse duration in seconds

  • samples (int | float | None) – Nominal pulse duration in samples


The realizable pulse time in seconds

  • QiskitError – If either both time and samples are passed or neither is passed.

  • QiskitError – The backend does not include a dt value.

  • QiskitError – If the algorithm used to calculate the pulse length produces a length that is not commensurate with the pulse or acquire alignment values. This should not happen unless the alignment constraints provided by the backend do not fit the assumptions that the algorithm makes.

Return type:


round_delay(*, time=None, samples=None)[source]

Delay duration closest to input and consistent with timing constraints

This method produces the value to pass for the duration of a Delay instruction of a QuantumCircuit so that the delay fills the time until the next valid pulse, assuming the Delay instruction begins on a sample that is also valid for a pulse to begin on.

The pulse timing constraints of the backend are considered in order to give the number of samples closest to the input (either time or samples) for the start of a pulse in a subsequent instruction to be valid. The delay value in samples is rounded to the least common multiple of the pulse and acquire alignment values in order to ensure that either type of pulse will be aligned.

If BackendTiming.delay_unit() is s, time is returned directly. Typically, this is the case for a simulator where converting to sample number is not needed.

  • time (float | None) – The nominal delay time to convert in seconds

  • samples (int | float | None) – The nominal delay time to convert in samples


The delay duration in samples if BackendTiming.delay_unit() is dt. Otherwise return time.


QiskitError – If either both time and samples are passed or neither is passed.

Return type:

int | float

round_pulse(*, time=None, samples=None)[source]

The number of samples giving the valid pulse duration closest to the input

The multiple of the pulse granularity giving the time closest to the input (either time or samples) is used. The returned value is always at least the backend’s min_length.

  • time (float | None) – Nominal pulse duration in seconds

  • samples (int | float | None) – Nominal pulse duration in samples


The number of samples corresponding to the input

  • QiskitError – If either both time and samples are passed or neither is passed.

  • QiskitError – The backend does not include a dt value.

  • QiskitError – If the algorithm used to calculate the pulse length produces a length that is not commensurate with the pulse or acquire alignment values. This should not happen unless the alignment constraints provided by the backend do not fit the assumptions that the algorithm makes.

Return type:
