
class MitigatedTomographyAnalysis(roerror_analysis='default', tomography_analysis='default')[source]

Analysis for readout error mitigated tomography experiments.

Analysis is performed as a CompositeAnalysis consisting of LocalReadoutErrorAnalysis to determine the local assignment matrices describing single qubit Z-basis readout errors, and then these matrices are used to automatically construct a noisy PauliMeasurementBasis for use during tomographic fitting with the tomography analysis.

Analysis options

These are the keyword arguments of the run() method.

  • Defined in the class MitigatedTomographyAnalysis:

    • fitter (str or Callable)

      Default value: "linear_inversion"
      The fitter function to use for reconstruction. This can be a string to select one of the built-in fitters, or a callable to supply a custom fitter function. See the Fitter Functions section for additional information.
    • fitter_options (dict)

      Default value: {}
      Any addition kwarg options to be supplied to the fitter function. For documentation of available kwargs refer to the fitter function documentation.
    • rescale_positive (bool)

      Default value: True
      If True rescale the state returned by the fitter to be positive-semidefinite. See the PSD Rescaling section for additional information (Default: True).
    • rescale_trace (bool)

      Default value: True
      If True rescale the state returned by the fitter have either trace 1 for DensityMatrix, or trace dim for Choi matrices (Default: True).
    • measurement_qubits (Sequence[int])

      Default value: None
      Optional, the physical qubits with tomographic measurements. If not specified will be set to [0, ..., N-1] for N-qubit tomographic measurements.
    • preparation_qubits (Sequence[int])

      Default value: None
      Optional, the physical qubits with tomographic preparations. If not specified will be set to [0, ..., N-1] for N-qubit tomographic preparations.
    • unmitigated_fit (bool)

      Default value: False
      If True also run tomography fit without readout error mitigation and include both mitigated and unmitigated analysis results. If False only compute mitigated results (Default: False)
    • target (Any)

      Default value: None
      Optional, target object for fidelity comparison of the fit (Default: None).
  • Defined in the class BaseAnalysis:

    • figure_names (str or List[str])

      Default value: None
      Identifier of figures that appear in the experiment data to sort figures by name.

See also


Initialize mitigated tomography analysis



Return the analysis options for run() method.



Return the component experiment Analysis instance.


index (int | None) – Optional, the component index to return analysis for. If None return a list of all component analysis instances.


The analysis instance for the specified index, or a list of all analysis instances if index is None.

Return type:

BaseAnalysis | List[BaseAnalysis]


Return the config dataclass for this analysis

Return type:



Return a copy of the analysis

classmethod from_config(config)

Initialize an analysis class from analysis config

Return type:


run(experiment_data, replace_results=False, **options)

Run analysis and update ExperimentData with analysis result.

  • experiment_data (ExperimentData) – the experiment data to analyze.

  • replace_results (bool) – If True clear any existing analysis results, figures, and artifacts in the experiment data and replace with new results. See note for additional information.

  • options – additional analysis options. See class documentation for supported options.


An experiment data object containing analysis results, figures, and artifacts.


QiskitError – If experiment_data container is not valid for analysis.

Return type:



Updating Results

If analysis is run with replace_results=True then any analysis results, figures, and artifacts in the experiment data will be cleared and replaced with the new analysis results. Saving this experiment data will replace any previously saved data in a database service using the same experiment ID.

If analysis is run with replace_results=False and the experiment data being analyzed has already been saved to a database service, or already contains analysis results or figures, a copy with a unique experiment ID will be returned containing only the new analysis results and figures. This data can then be saved as its own experiment to a database service.


Set the analysis options for the experiment. If the broadcast argument set to True, the analysis options will cascade to the child experiments.