Local infrastructure setup#

Step 1: Create a Python environment and clone the repository

The quantum-serverless repository contains some Dockerfiles which make spinning up a test cluster on your local machine straightforward. The first thing we will do is clone the repository.

Create a minimal environment with only Python installed in it. We recommend using Python virtual environments.#
   python3 -m venv /path/to/virtual/environment
Activate your new environment.#
   source /path/to/virtual/environment/bin/activate
Note: If you are using Windows, use the following commands in PowerShell.#
   python3 -m venv c:\path\to\virtual\environment
Clone the Quantum Serverless repository.#
   cd /path/to/workspace/
   git clone git@github.com:Qiskit-Extensions/quantum-serverless.git

Step 2: Set up Docker

To set up Quantum Serverless on your local machine, you will need to use docker compose.

Step 3: Initiate the test cluster

Once you have Docker and docker compose installed, you can run the following command from the root of the quantum-serverless repository to set up the infrastructure:

$ docker compose [--profile <PROFILE>] up

Additionally, you can include the profile full. With the full profile installs all core services, including logging and monitorying systems.

Step 4: Run a program in the test environment

Once the containers are running, you can simulate a remote cluster with the resources on your local machine. To create and run programs in this simulated cluster, we recommend using Jupyter Lab. Refer to the Getting started guides for details about running your program remotely.