Simulating backends at the pulse-level with DynamicsBackend#

In this tutorial we walk through how to use the DynamicsBackend class as a Qiskit Dynamics-backed, pulse-level simulator of a real backend. In particular, we demonstrate how to configure a DynamicsBackend to simulate pulse schedules, circuits whose gates have pulse definitions, and calibration and characterization experiments from Qiskit Experiments.

The sections of this tutorial are as follows:

  1. Configure Dynamics to use JAX.

  2. Instantiating a minimally-configured DynamicsBackend with a 2 qubit model.

  3. Simulating pulse schedules on the DynamicsBackend.

  4. Simulating circuits at the pulse level using the DynamicsBackend.

  5. Simulating single-qubit calibration processes via Qiskit Experiments.

  6. Simulating 2 qubit interaction characterization via the CrossResonanceHamiltonian experiment.

1. Configure Dynamics to use JAX#

Note that the DynamicsBackend internally performs just-in-time compilation automatically when configured to use JAX. See the User Guide entry on using JAX with Dynamics for more information.

# Configure to use JAX internally
import jax
jax.config.update("jax_enable_x64", True)
jax.config.update("jax_platform_name", "cpu")
from qiskit_dynamics.array import Array

2. Instantiating a minimally-configured DynamicsBackend with a 2 qubit model#

To create the DynamicsBackend, first specify a Solver instance using the model details. Note that the choice of model depends on the type of device you wish to simulate. Here, we will use a \(2\) qubit fixed-frequency transmon model with fixed coupling, with the following Hamiltonian (see the Qiskit Textbook page on Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics for details on how transmon Hamiltonians are derived):

\[\begin{split}H(t) = 2 \pi \nu_0 &N_0 + \pi \alpha_0 N_0 (N_0 - I) + 2 \pi \nu_1 N_1 + \pi \alpha_1 N_1(N_1 - I) + 2 \pi J (a_0 + a_0^\dagger)(a_1 + a_1^\dagger) \\ & + 2 \pi r_0 s_0(t)(a_0 + a_0^\dagger) + 2 \pi r_1 s_1(t)(a_1 + a_1^\dagger),\end{split}\]


  • \(\nu_0\) and \(\nu_1\) are the qubit frequencies,

  • \(\alpha_0\) and \(\alpha_1\) are the qubit anharmonicities,

  • \(J\) is the coupling strength,

  • \(r_0\) and \(r_1\) are the Rabi strengths, and \(s_0(t)\) and \(s_1(t)\) are the drive signals,

  • \(a_j\) and \(a_j^\dagger\) are the lowering and raising operators for qubit \(j\), and

  • \(N_0\) and \(N_1\) are the number operators for qubits \(0\) and \(1\) respectively.

import numpy as np

dim = 3

v0 = 4.86e9
anharm0 = -0.32e9
r0 = 0.22e9

v1 = 4.97e9
anharm1 = -0.32e9
r1 = 0.26e9

J = 0.002e9

a = np.diag(np.sqrt(np.arange(1, dim)), 1)
adag = np.diag(np.sqrt(np.arange(1, dim)), -1)
N = np.diag(np.arange(dim))

ident = np.eye(dim, dtype=complex)
full_ident = np.eye(dim**2, dtype=complex)

N0 = np.kron(ident, N)
N1 = np.kron(N, ident)

a0 = np.kron(ident, a)
a1 = np.kron(a, ident)

a0dag = np.kron(ident, adag)
a1dag = np.kron(adag, ident)

static_ham0 = 2 * np.pi * v0 * N0 + np.pi * anharm0 * N0 * (N0 - full_ident)
static_ham1 = 2 * np.pi * v1 * N1 + np.pi * anharm1 * N1 * (N1 - full_ident)

static_ham_full = static_ham0 + static_ham1 + 2 * np.pi * J * ((a0 + a0dag) @ (a1 + a1dag))

drive_op0 = 2 * np.pi * r0 * (a0 + a0dag)
drive_op1 = 2 * np.pi * r1 * (a1 + a1dag)

Construct the Solver using the model details, including parameters necessary for pulse simulation. See the Solver documentation, as well as the tutorial example for more details. Here, we choose to perform the simulation in the rotating frame of the static Hamiltonian, which provides performance improvements (see the user guide entry on configuring simulations for performance). Note that the measurement outcomes of are independent of the choice of rotating frame in the Solver, and as such we are free to choose the rotating frame that provides the best performance.

from qiskit_dynamics import Solver

# build solver
dt = 1/4.5e9

solver = Solver(
    hamiltonian_operators=[drive_op0, drive_op1, drive_op0, drive_op1],
    hamiltonian_channels=["d0", "d1", "u0", "u1"],
    channel_carrier_freqs={"d0": v0, "d1": v1, "u0": v1, "u1": v0},

Next, instantiate the DynamicsBackend. The solver is used for simulation, subsystem_dims indicates how the full system decomposes for measurement data computation, and solver_options are consistent options used by Solver.solve() when simulating the differential equation. The full list of allowable solver_options are the arguments to solve_ode().

Note that, to enable the internal automatic jit-compilation, we choose a JAX integration method. Furthermore, note that in the solver options we set the max step size to the pulse sample width dt via the "hmax" argument for the method "jax_odeint". This is important for preventing variable step solvers from accidentally stepping over pulses in schedules with long idle times.

from qiskit_dynamics import DynamicsBackend

# Consistent solver option to use throughout notebook
solver_options = {"method": "jax_odeint", "atol": 1e-6, "rtol": 1e-8, "hmax": dt}

backend = DynamicsBackend(
    subsystem_dims=[dim, dim], # for computing measurement data
    solver_options=solver_options, # to be used every time run is called

Alternatively to the above, the DynamicsBackend.from_backend() method can be used to build the DynamicsBackend from an existing backend. The above model, which was built manually, was taken from qubits \(0\) and \(1\) of almaden.

3. Simulating pulse schedules on the DynamicsBackend#

With the above backend, we can already simulate a list of pulse schedules. The code below generates a list of schedules specifying experiments on qubit \(0\). The schedule is chosen to demonstrate that the usual instructions work on the DynamicsBackend.


In the following constructed schedule, measurement is performed with an Acquire instruction of duration 1. Measurements in DynamicsBackend are computed projectively at the start time of the acquire instructions, and the effects of measurement stimulus through MeasureChannels are not simulated unless explicitly put into the model by the user. As such, the lack of MeasureChannel stimulus, and the duration of the Acquire instruction has no impact on the returned results.


from qiskit import pulse

sigma = 128
num_samples = 256

schedules = []

for amp in np.linspace(0., 1., 10):
    gauss = pulse.library.Gaussian(
        num_samples, amp, sigma, name="Parametric Gauss"

    with as schedule:
        with pulse.align_sequential():
  , pulse.DriveChannel(0))
            pulse.shift_phase(0.5, pulse.DriveChannel(0))
            pulse.shift_frequency(0.1, pulse.DriveChannel(0))
  , pulse.DriveChannel(0))
            pulse.acquire(duration=1, qubit_or_channel=0, register=pulse.MemorySlot(0))


job =, shots=100)
result = job.result()
CPU times: user 2.99 s, sys: 16.5 ms, total: 3.01 s
Wall time: 4.02 s

Visualize one of the schedules.


Retrieve the counts for one of the experiments as would be done using the results object from a real backend.

{'0': 41, '1': 59}

4. Simulating circuits at the pulse level using the DynamicsBackend#

For the DynamicsBackend to simulate a circuit, each circuit element must have a corresponding pulse schedule. These schedules can either be specified in the gates themselves, by attaching calibrations, or by adding instructions to the Target contained in the DynamicsBackend.

4.1 Simulating circuits with attached calibrations#

Build a simple circuit. Here we build one consisting of a single Hadamard gate on qubit \(0\), followed by measurement.

from qiskit import QuantumCircuit

circ = QuantumCircuit(1, 1)
circ.measure([0], [0])


Next, attach a calibration for the Hadamard gate on qubit \(0\) to the circuit. Note that here we are only demonstrating the mechanics of adding a calibration; we have not attempted to calibrate the schedule to implement the Hadamard gate with high fidelity.

with as h_q0:
        pulse.library.Gaussian(duration=256, amp=0.2, sigma=50, name="custom"),

circ.add_calibration("h", qubits=[0], schedule=h_q0)

Call run on the circuit, and get counts as usual.

%time res =

CPU times: user 1.38 s, sys: 6.12 ms, total: 1.38 s
Wall time: 1.41 s
{'0': 780, '1': 244}

4.2 Simulating circuits via gate definitions in the backend Target#

Alternatively to the above work flow, add the above schedule as the pulse-level definition of the Hadamard gate on qubit \(0\) to, which impacts how jobs are transpiled for the backend. See the Target class documentation for further information.

from qiskit.circuit.library import HGate
from qiskit.transpiler import InstructionProperties, {(0,): InstructionProperties(calibration=h_q0)})

Rebuild the same circuit, however this time we do not need to add the calibration for the Hadamard gate to the circuit object.

circ2 = QuantumCircuit(1, 1)
circ2.measure([0], [0])

%time result =
CPU times: user 1.25 s, sys: 3.8 ms, total: 1.25 s
Wall time: 1.33 s
{'0': 772, '1': 252}

5. Simulating single-qubit calibration processes via Qiskit Experiments#

Next, we perform rough calibrations for X and SX gates on both qubits modeled in the DynamicsBackend, following the single-qubit calibration tutorial for Qiskit Experiments.

5.1 Configure the Target to include single qubit instructions#

To enable running of the single qubit experiments, we add the following to the target:

  • Qubit frequency properties (needed by experiments like RoughFrequencyCal). Note that setting the qubit frequencies in the target does not impact the behaviour of the DynamicsBackend itself. It is purely a data field that does not impact functionality. Previously set frequency properties, such as channel_carrier_freqs in the Solver, will remain unchanged. Here, we set the frequencies to the undressed frequencies in the model.

  • X and SX gate instructions, which the transpiler needs to check are supported by the backend.

  • Add definitions of RZ gates as phase shifts. These instructions control the phase of the drive channels, as well as any control channels acting on a given qubit.

  • Add a CX gate between qubits \((0, 1)\) and \((1, 0)\). While this tutorial will not be utilizing it, this ensures that validation steps checking that the device is fully connected will pass.

from qiskit.circuit.library import XGate, SXGate, RZGate, CXGate
from qiskit.circuit import Parameter
from qiskit.providers.backend import QubitProperties

target =

# qubit properties
target.qubit_properties = [QubitProperties(frequency=v0), QubitProperties(frequency=v1)]

# add instructions
target.add_instruction(XGate(), properties={(0,): None, (1,): None})
target.add_instruction(SXGate(), properties={(0,): None, (1,): None})

target.add_instruction(CXGate(), properties={(0, 1): None, (1, 0): None})

# Add RZ instruction as phase shift for drag cal
phi = Parameter("phi")
with as rz0:
    pulse.shift_phase(phi, pulse.DriveChannel(0))
    pulse.shift_phase(phi, pulse.ControlChannel(1))

with as rz1:
    pulse.shift_phase(phi, pulse.DriveChannel(1))
    pulse.shift_phase(phi, pulse.ControlChannel(0))

    {(0,): InstructionProperties(calibration=rz0), (1,): InstructionProperties(calibration=rz1)}

5.2 Prepare Calibrations object#

Next, prepare the Calibrations object. Here we use the FixedFrequencyTransmon template library to initialize our calibrations.

import pandas as pd
from qiskit_experiments.calibration_management.calibrations import Calibrations
from qiskit_experiments.calibration_management.basis_gate_library import FixedFrequencyTransmon

cals = Calibrations(libraries=[FixedFrequencyTransmon(basis_gates=['x', 'sx'])])

pd.DataFrame(**cals.parameters_table(qubit_list=[0, ()]))
parameter qubits schedule value group valid date_time exp_id
0 σ () sx 40.00 default True 2024-03-19 14:54:15.705789+0000 None
1 σ () x 40.00 default True 2024-03-19 14:54:15.705672+0000 None
2 β () sx 0.00 default True 2024-03-19 14:54:15.705839+0000 None
3 duration () sx 160.00 default True 2024-03-19 14:54:15.705806+0000 None
4 β () x 0.00 default True 2024-03-19 14:54:15.705740+0000 None
5 amp () sx 0.25 default True 2024-03-19 14:54:15.705822+0000 None
6 duration () x 160.00 default True 2024-03-19 14:54:15.705719+0000 None
7 angle () sx 0.00 default True 2024-03-19 14:54:15.705855+0000 None
8 amp () x 0.50 default True 2024-03-19 14:54:15.705773+0000 None
9 angle () x 0.00 default True 2024-03-19 14:54:15.705757+0000 None

5.3 Rough amplitude calibration#

Next, run a rough amplitude calibration for X and SX gates for both qubits. First, build the experiments.

from qiskit_experiments.library.calibration import RoughXSXAmplitudeCal

# rabi experiments for qubit 0
rabi0 = RoughXSXAmplitudeCal([0], cals, backend=backend, amplitudes=np.linspace(-0.2, 0.2, 27))

# rabi experiments for qubit 1
rabi1 = RoughXSXAmplitudeCal([1], cals, backend=backend, amplitudes=np.linspace(-0.2, 0.2, 27))

Run the Rabi experiments.

rabi0_data =
rabi1_data =
CPU times: user 7.92 s, sys: 684 ms, total: 8.6 s
Wall time: 7.92 s

Plot the results.


Observe the updated parameters for qubit 0.

pd.DataFrame(**cals.parameters_table(qubit_list=[0, ()], parameters="amp"))
parameter qubits schedule value group valid date_time exp_id
0 amp () sx 0.250000 default True 2024-03-19 14:54:15.705822+0000 None
1 amp (0,) sx 0.059515 default True 2024-03-19 14:54:18.092245+0000 f802256e-1e52-4d86-b032-a856ad8a4085
2 amp () x 0.500000 default True 2024-03-19 14:54:15.705773+0000 None
3 amp (0,) x 0.119030 default True 2024-03-19 14:54:18.092245+0000 f802256e-1e52-4d86-b032-a856ad8a4085

5.4 Rough Drag parameter calibration#

Run rough Drag parameter calibration for the X and SX gates. This follows the same procedure as above.

from qiskit_experiments.library.calibration import RoughDragCal

cal_drag0 = RoughDragCal([0], cals, backend=backend, betas=np.linspace(-20, 20, 15))
cal_drag1 = RoughDragCal([1], cals, backend=backend, betas=np.linspace(-20, 20, 15))

cal_drag0.set_experiment_options(reps=[3, 5, 7])
cal_drag1.set_experiment_options(reps=[3, 5, 7])

drag0_data =
drag1_data =
CPU times: user 24.5 s, sys: 16.4 s, total: 41 s
Wall time: 21 s

The updated calibrations object:

pd.DataFrame(**cals.parameters_table(qubit_list=[0, ()], parameters="amp"))
parameter qubits schedule value group valid date_time exp_id
0 amp () sx 0.250000 default True 2024-03-19 14:54:15.705822+0000 None
1 amp (0,) sx 0.059515 default True 2024-03-19 14:54:18.092245+0000 f802256e-1e52-4d86-b032-a856ad8a4085
2 amp () x 0.500000 default True 2024-03-19 14:54:15.705773+0000 None
3 amp (0,) x 0.119030 default True 2024-03-19 14:54:18.092245+0000 f802256e-1e52-4d86-b032-a856ad8a4085

6. Simulating 2 qubit interaction characterization via the CrossResonanceHamiltonian experiment#

Finally, simulate the CrossResonanceHamiltonian characterization experiment.

First, we further configure the backend to run this experiment. This requires defining the control channel map, which is a dictionary mapping control-target qubit index pairs (given as a tuple) to the control channel index used to drive the corresponding cross-resonance interaction. This is required by the experiment to determine which channel to drive for each control-target pair.

# set the control channel map
backend.set_options(control_channel_map={(0, 1): 0, (1, 0): 1})

Build the characterization experiment object, and update gate definitions in target with the values for the single qubit gates calibrated above.

from qiskit_experiments.library import CrossResonanceHamiltonian

cr_ham_experiment = CrossResonanceHamiltonian(
    physical_qubits=(0, 1),
    durations=np.linspace(1e-7, 1e-6, 17),

Run the simulation.

%time data_cr =
CPU times: user 27.9 s, sys: 6.42 s, total: 34.4 s
Wall time: 27.6 s